Probably the smallest area after Naughty's Hut. It's primarly a big house sorrounded by the forest. Might belong to Nibbles.
Area Description[]
It's basically a big house and it's surrounding areas. In the woods there's a gate leading to Naughty's Hut, while the tunnel gate leads to the Disco and the bridge gate instead leads to the Cake Factory. The house itself is constituted by a big living room/kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. Right outside the house there are a phone and a power box, while on the front there's a BBQ grill and a portable fridge, along with a dock leading to a boat.
Levels where it Stars[]
It stars primarly in Episode 3, where Cozy turned it into the army's HQ and filled it with TVs receiving security camera footage from the fluffy bird-cams. Episode 4, as the epicentre of the Zombear Invasion. And in episode 8, where Gordon and Bubbles hold a fake cate tasting contest as a trap to lure Naughty in for the X-Bears. It also starred in the Alien and Blair Witch parody trailers.