Naughty Bear Wiki
Naughty Bear Wiki

The second-widest area the player gets to visit in the game. It stars especially in Episode 1, where Daddles ends up causing the events that will span the whole game. Maybe it's Daddles who re-purposed it this way with the help of other tech-savvy bears like Twinkles or Fluffy.

Area Description[]

It's a huge, re-adapted warehouse sorrounded by the woods and with a dock leading to the sea. With a color-changing floor, a cheap DJ console in the middle and four loudspeakers in the corners. One side is a wide bathroom while the other contains an arcade machine and a fridge, the bears will usually barricade in there. Being an early-game lavele, there's plenty of space to hide and a fair abundance of mines and beartraps, they can be found in two small huts, none near the docks and the other one close to the gate leading to the Cake Factory and Naughty's Hut. The area surrounding the Disco itself got several tables with jelly, a portable fridge and a BBQ grill.

Levels in where it stars[]

The Disco plays an important role in Episode 1, where it marks the start of Naughty's rampage, and Episode 10 where Stardust plays a certain tune to lure out a Unibear to act as the Vampiricorn's prey.
