Naughty Bear Wiki
Naughty Bear Wiki

The biggest area of Perfection Island. A wide place full of hiding and evasion spots and machines for ultra-kills.

Area Description[]

It's a open space facing the sea with two large buildings aside from each-others connected by a sign showing two happy bears. There are several threadmills that Naughty can use to smash the face of the enemy bears, a huge mixer full of purple cake mix and a small kitchen with a oven and a fridge, it's possible to find a BBQ grill too, a power box and a phone. Near the sea there's a small club house where probably the factory's workers go to eat or rest. There's an arcade and a TV in there too, among with a toilet to bait and use as traps. The woods are more scarce here as well.

Levels where it Stars[]

In Episode 3 it stars and appears in the introduction cutscene showing a warzone-like look, with tank breakers and camo cloaks everywhere.
