Naughty Bear Wiki
Naughty Bear Wiki



Fur color


Eye color


Notable features

Mind-control helmet / Tinfoil Hat

Sunbeam is a yellow bear featured in Naughty Bear and Naughty Bear: Panic In Paradise. He is the boss bear of Episode 7 (the final episode in Naughty Bear if we exclude the DLCs).


Sunbeam wears a tin foil mind control helmet in Episode 7. He is quite friendly and cheerful, gaining the friendship of all the other bears (except Naughty Bear). He is also very cowardly when in danger. His sensitivity to naughtiness makes him very easy to drive insane and he usually chooses to flee or hide instead of fight.


Episode 2[]

In this episode, Sunbeam is merely a background character/victim.

Episode 7[]

Sunbeam gazes at the stars in the night sky through his telescope when he finds an alien spaceship. He beckons to them in hopes of starting a friendship. His plan backfires and the Alien Bears invade the island, placing all of its inhabitants under mind control. He is found in the factory area with Emperor Xoon, the leader of the Alien Bears.

Panic in Paradise[]

Sunbeam and Stardust too decided to join the vacation tour in Paradise to spend some time away from Naughty. And somehow, Sunbeam met with a supposedly redeemed Xoon and made friends with him paving the way for a supposed alliance with conseguent celebration at the Fiesta Terrace Cantina in Episode 7 (where he is the target). Needless to say, Naughty isn't too thrilled at the idea of having an alien army on his back, so he takes the chance and kills Sunbeam, earning the anger (or at least, more anger) from Stardust in the process.

Equipment and Headgear[]

Here's what you will unlock by killing this bear in the bushes.

Sunbeam's Face

Tinfoil Hat


  • Interestingly, one of the tips reveal that Sunbeam's real name is "Sweet-Wheat." There are no other indications of truth to that claim, however.
  • He is extremely sensitive, to the point that after witnessing the violence of the Naughty Bear arcade machines he had to be carried to therapy.
  • He's also called Comète in the French version of the game.
  • In Panic in Paradise he is revealed as Stardust's brother. This far, they are the only two bears to be officially shown to be family related.
  • Sunbeam is also depicted as being quite the naturalist. He, along with Giggles, believed that Daddles filmed an authentic Unibear, a cryptid from local Perfection Island lore. Because Fluffy had thoroughly mapped out the entire island, the scientific community had dismissed it as folly. He has also been attacked by a Sand Dolphin.




Naughty Hit List 5 Sunbeam

Naughty Hit List #5 Sunbeam
