Naughty Bear Wiki
Naughty Bear: Gold Edition
Naughty Bear Gold Edition
Naughty Bear: Gold Edition Covers


Naughty Bear: Gold Edition


May 2011


Playstation 3
X-box 360

Special Features

Full or Trial of Panic in paradise
All DLC Packs

Naughty Bear: Gold Edition is a re-release of the first game that includes all DLC packs. It was released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in May 2011.


  • For some reason, the Gold Edition does not give you any achievements/trophies for the DLC levels, despite allowing you to play them all. fortunately this issue only happens in the Xbox 360 edition and not the PS3 edition.
  • PlayStation users can buy the game in the PlayStation Store for $19.99.
  • The gameplay is unchanged in this re-release.