Naughty Bear Wiki
Naughty Bear Wiki

Fluffrog Summary[]

Fluffrog are a species of frog found on Perfection Island, mostly found around the forest areas. Fluffrogs will just hop in circles with 6 second pauses. In the introduction video to Episode Six Naughty Bear was playing with one. Then, a R0B0-B34R stepped upon it without noticing, and the creature was crushed. They appear to be a food source for Fluffy Bird Cams.

In the loading screens it's often mentioned a "Legendary Golden Fluffrog King" but it's not sure if it was meant to be a DLC or it's a hint of something happening in future titles.


In the first game, Naughty Bear, killing a fluffrog gets you 100 naughty points (with out any score multipliers), while killing a fluffrog in Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise gives you 250 points.

Panic In Paradise[]

Like in the first Naughty Bear game, Fluffrogs are a common presence on Paradise Island too

Image Gallery[]


The Fluffrog in Episode Six.

Legge del più forte

A dead fluffrog serving as a Birdcam's breakfast
