The Costume Wardrobe[]
Costumes are various hats, helmets, clothing, odd bits of equipment, and simply fantastic disguises Naughty Bear can wear. These costumes help Naughty Bear by increasing his statistics, disguising him as other bears, granting him special weaponry at the start of an Episode, and of course making him look smashing. Two costumes are unavailable, and could only be attained by pre-order; Freddy Krubear and the Naughty Slasher, AKA Teddy Kruebear and Jason Pawhees. Currently, this page takes care of the costumes of the first game.
Naughty Bear[]
This is Naughty Bear as he really is. Average statistics all around. His profile states that he is skilled with sharp objects, "Naughty!", and is social.
It is unknown what "Naughty!" and Social are. It is possible they are just additional jokes. His all-around stats shows he's a jack of all trades, good overall stats, but doesn't excel in any of them.
Festive Hats![]
The first row of hats are those that you snatch off the noggins of the victim bear in each episode. These are the hats that belong to the Colored Bears of Paradise Island. There are ten in total. They are: Naughty the Party Animal, Mayor Naughty, Peacekeeper Naughty, Cordon Bleu Naughty, Prospector Naughty, Doc Naughty, Conspiracy Naughty, Sidekick Naughty, Admiral Naughty, and Witch Naughty.
Festive Hat: Naughty The Party Animal[]
This is a party cone hat, a simple brightly colored cone atop your head to show your elated mood. You can attain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode One. The profile reads that you are "Ready to party!" in Panic in Paradise, it shows the hat actually belongs to Daddles and in the multiplayer mode of the first game it's described as "Ready to party like if it's 1999!".
Festive Hat: Mayor Naughty[]
This is a top hat, a black silk top hat with a dark purple band around it to show your superiority. You can attain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode Two. It increases your statistics. The profile reads that you are easily corrupted. It's actually Chubby's hat since he's the island's mayor (And the only one to actually run an electoral campaign, to be honest).
Festive Hat: Peacekeeper Naughty[]
This is a light blue helmet, a BN[Version of UN] peacekeeper helmet to show you are ready to serve. You can attain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode Three. It increases your statistics and it's descrbed as being delightfully blue. It's also worn by Cozy.
Festive Hat: Cordon Bleu Naughty[]
This is a chef's hat, a white floppy piece of attire that shows your skills in the kitchen. You can obtain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode Four. It increases your statistics. The profile reads that you are edible, but it's probably referring to the hat. It's Nibbles' chef hat.
Festive Hat: Prospector Naughty[]
This is a gray, wide brimmed cowboy hat, to show your wealth in the world of energy. Its motto is "There's always for everyone" (rough translation of the Italian version. Sorry) You can attain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode Five. It increases your statistics. The profile reads that the hat makes you rich. It belongs to Trembles.
Festive Hat: Doc Naughty[]
This is a white construction helmet, with a picture of an atom on the front in red, to wear it shows your intellect. You can attain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode Six. It increases your statistics. The profile reads that the hat makes you smart. Worn by Fluffy in his mission level.
Festive Hat: Conspiracy Naughty[]
This is a mess of tinfoil shaped around your head and with a small blinking light on the top, to show that you are aware of the government's big plot. You can attain this hat by earning a bronze cup on Episode Seven. It increases your statistics. The profile reads that the hat makes you immune to radio waves. Sunbeam is forced to wear it by Xoon, and by extension all the other bears who are under the alien's controls. Yes, even the robo-bears!
Professional Hats![]
There used to be a time when each profession required a man to wear a hat, similar to a uniform. Those were the days. Well, the professional hats are those that you steal off the craniums of bears that assist the Colored Bears with their plots in each episode. Some of these are hats, others are helmets, some are even wigs and painted skulls! However, as before, there are ten in total. They are: Cop Naughty, Adept Naughty, General Naughty, Zumbo-Jumbo Naughty, Tactical Naughty, Tech-Naughty, Astro-Naughty, Mighty Naughty, Naughty Bearrrrgh and last,there is "Naughty the Prince of Darkness".
Professional Hat: Cop Naughty[]
This a blue 'Fuzz' helmet with a standard badge of authority on the front of it to show that you are of great importance. You can obtain this hat by getting Gold on Episode 1: The Party. It increases your statistics. The profile reads that free donuts are included; hinting at the cliche that cops like donuts.
Professional Hat: Adept Naught[]
It's simply Miyagi's hat. Makes Naughty sneakier and faster and the description jokingly says it gives +15% zen points, as if it's a classic RPG's piece of equipment.
Professional Hat: General Naughty[]
Colonel Ketchup's hat and never-removed sunglasses (In public, at least). Improves the aiming and causes instant respect and, parodying again the RPG's equipment stats, gives 5% resistance to the sun.
Professional Hat: Zumbo-Jumbo Naughty[]
The creepy skull helmet of Oodoo! Rises the stats and the eye-sockets are perfect for holding cups! Not sure what happened to the unlucky bear whose skull once belonged to...
Professional Hat: Tactical Naughty[]
Mahoney's trademark helmet. Gives extra precision and resistance and the visor protects face smashing.
Professional Hat: Tech-Naughty[]
R0B0-PR1ME's visor and ears. Allow you to enter "geeky conventions" (might be a reference to cosplay)
Professional Hat: Astro-Naughty[]
Emperor Xoon's helmet! It's unlocked by obtaining the gold trophies in Episode 7. Rises your stats and it got a full HD visor and sorround sound.
Costumes: Makeshift Disguises[]
Costumes made of junk, cooking utensils, car parts, more junk, and some accessories & trinkets that have been stolen. Still, the other bears don't know you are Naughty Bear, and this allows you to walk among them with ease. And not to forget, you also get weapons to go along with these costumes! There are ten in total. They are: Sheriff Naughty, Master Naughty, Captain Naughty, Zombear Naughty, N.O.T.Y., R0B0-N4UGH7Y, Xnoty, Super Naughty, Pirate Naughty, and Naughtula.
Makeshift Disguise: Sheriff Naughty[]
This costume disguises Naughty Bear as one of "The Fuzz", the local law enforcement for Paradise Island. Allows you to walk among bears unnoticed and comes with a powerful Magnum. The costume is made of a police light, a yellow & cheesy fake mustache, and an unfolded cardboard box used as a shirt, with the word "police" scrawled on the front in black marker.
Makeshift Disguise: Master Naughty[]
This disguises you as one of the Ninja Bears, masters of Kung Furry! Allows you to walk among bears unnoticed, excluding Pirate Bears. You are also able to sprint without a sound. The costume is simply a piece of purple cloth with eyeholes around the face, and dried reeds taped to the forearms and the back. You also come equipped with a sharp Ninja-To!
Makeshift Disguise: Captain Naughty[]
This costume disguises you as one of the Army Bears, peacekeepers of Perfection Island. Allows you to walk among bears unnoticed. This costume is made of a green cooking pot on the head with a stick taped on it. You also have a bandolier and what seems to be a special forces patch taped to your arm. Increases your statistics. It also come equipped with a fast Oozy!
Makeshift Disguise: Zombear Naughty[]
This costume allows you to walk amongst zombears unnoticed until you actually kill a bear. Its made of ripped pillows, duct tape and what look slike a volleyball cut in half and stuck to Naughty's head with tape. Noticeably, if you use the costume in any other level all the normal bears will flee in fear. Comes equipped with a scary bone.
Makeshift Disguise: N.O.T.Y.[]
This costume allows you to walk amongst the B.E.A.R.s unnoticed, as well as normal bears until you attack or kill another bear or use your BOO! Like all other makeshift costumes, you can obtain this costume by getting bronze on 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3. It consists of a blue plastic bowl for a hat, cardboard strips with duct tape for knee guards, a toy walkie-talkie taped over the shoulder, oven mittens for gloves, and a cardboard piece with duct tape attached to Naughty's chest with the word "BEAR" scribbled on it. It also comes with a silenced pistol!
Makeshift Disguise: R0B0-N4UGH7Y[]
The costume for passing unnoticed between the robots. It's made of cardboard boxes covered in tin foil and the head is a box witht "robot" scribbled on it. Comes equipped with a power fist. Makes you walk among the other bears unnoticed. Somehow, he floats, makes robot-like noises that make sneaking harder.
Makeshift Disguise: Xnothy[]
A costume for walking unnoticed among aliens. It's made out of "alien sunglasses" an airband with two tennis balls on top of springs and comes with a raygun equipped. While wearing this costume, Naughty can float due to the quantum parallel tubing coil found within the right tennis ball (his right, not yours).
Cop Gordon[]
This costume allows you to be disguised as Cop Gordon, chief of The Fuzz, the local police force. You unlock it by getting gold on 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3. He comes with a magnum, and on the select costume screen, it mentions that he retires in one week. We all wish Cop Gordon a happy retirement (except for Naughty, of course).
Master Miyagi[]
Master Miyagi costume is really quick and excellent at hiding, but weak for attacks ( except Ninja-To, which comes as part of the costume). It's composed of a Chinese cone hat, dark blue ji, and black socks. Miyagi's Ji changed to red in Panic in Paradise while is fur is shown to be dark green.
Colonel Ketchup[]
If you get gold on 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3, you get to disguise yourself as Colonel Ketchup, leader of the army bears. He comes with a fast Oozy and got some pretty high/medium stats. In Panic in Paradise, it's revealed his fur color is red (like actual ketchup!)
Zombear Oodoo[]
You disguise as Oodoo. Extremely slow, powerful, hard to kill and equipped with a bone. All the other bears react in fear whenever they spot you while the other factions will attack you on sight (not a big difference on this one). Oodoo is willing to work for brains, it means he might be willing to work for anybody who can give him food as a meant of payment.
E.L.I.T.E Mahoney[]
You are dressed up as Mahoney, captain of the B.E.A.R. Comes equipped with a silenced pistol, reinforced suit and an helmet with bullet-proof glass visor, which apparently prevents face-smashing, as mentioned above. It also allows you to run without making a noise and the other bears won't attack you on sight.
This disguises Naughty Bear as R0B0-PR1ME, the leader-designated R0B0-B34R. You can walk among the androids unnoticed. He is extremely hardy, loud, very strong, rather accurate, and quite slow. Comes equipped with a power fist.
Emperor Xoon[]
With this disguise as the (child) Emperor Xoon, you will go unnoticed among the Alien Bears and be equipped with a ray gun from the start. Very fast, able to float and therefore, run without making a noise! But lacks in defense and strength.
This costume is the fastest in the game, and it causes Naughty to prance around when he walks or runs. Very limited health, strength and accuracy. Best suited for speed challenges. The default weapon on this character is a horn on the top of his head that you impale other bears with when you perform ultra-kills. Apparently the wig is very luscious and smells of candies. Also, dressing as a Unibear is seen as a very naughty thing to do.
Hat: Epic Naughty[]
Epic Naughty is a hat that is acheived when completing all Top-Hat challenges with a Gold Cup. It proves you are the Naughtiest, drips of epicness and it's awesomely awesome! It is supposed to be the best costume in the game with almost max everything (excluding speed). It's a white top-hat with a golden logo on the side. Might be a bear skull with crossbones.
Strangely, When wearing this hat in single player will not make the player regen health with cake. Making it more of a challenge.
Special Costumes[]
You can unlock The Freddie Bear Costume (Teddy Kruebear) as a pre-order bonus from Amazon or The Slasher Bear (Jason Pawhees) as a preorder from GameStop. :) Currently, there's no known way to obtain these two costumes now.
Teddy Kruebear[]
A costume clearly based on Freddie Krueger. Super floppy hat for the head and super stripey sweater for the body. And of course, some vicious claws and pointy as a weapon! Stats yet not recorded.
Jason Pawhees[]
This Slasher Bear costume is a clear reference to Jason Voorhees from Firday the 13th. It consists of the iconic hockey mask, a blue jumpsuit ,and a sharp knife, described as being good for either cutting bears up and cake slices.
DLC Costumes[]
Those are the costumes you unlock with each DLC. AKA: Episode 8, 9 and 10, among the hats and disguises.
Professional Hat: Sidekick Naughty[]
The hat of pure fanboyism! Worn by Bubbles to prove he's Danger Bear's number 1's fan (and also his helper, somehow.) Comes with a red mask.
Professional Hat: Mighty Naughty[]
A very heavy golden helmet. Only a "super neck" can support it!
Makeshift Disguise: Super Naughty[]
A custom made super hero suit made out of a carnival mask, underwear, rubber gloves and boots and a cardboard logo taped on the chest. Pretty ridiculous to see, but somehow allows Naughty to float. Maybe it's because of the power released by the Rod of Justice.
Danger Bear[]
The "Bear of Platinum"! Leader of the X-Bears and local superhero. Very fast, allows flight (hovering a few feet off the floor) and comes with an equipped Rod of Justice.
Professional Hat: Admiral Naughty[]
Giggles' admiral hat, now you only need to find a fleet! Raises your stats.
The Great Bear Beard[]
The (in)famous pirate captain himself! Pretty slow, fights with a stolen cutlass, allows you to walk among pirates unnoticed and his profound hatred for ninjas makes him an immediate target for Miyagi and his dojo.
Makeshift Disguise: Pirate Naughty[]
A very cheap yet effective costume composed of a pirate cardboard hard, a fake eyepatch made with a piece of coconut and tape, some green ropes and a small flamingo taped on the side of Naughty's head to mimic a parrot. Comes with a stolen cutlass and mimics BearBeard's limp, reducing his speed. He also wishes he had a beard.
Professional Hat: Naughty Bearrrrrgh![]
A hat composed of BearBeard's beard, hat, and ear ring. Allows you to walk among pirates unnoticed and causes shark allergies.
Professional Hat: Witch Naughty[]
This is what Stardust wears when he's summoning the Vampiricorn. It protects the head from curses and it's made out of genuine witch's warts. YUK!
Professional Hat: Naughty Prince of Darkness[]
The Vampiricorn's hair. It's actually a victorian wig that somehow raises your stats. Considering Naughty is a "prince" now, Darkness doesn't seems a peaceful city anymore.
Makeshift Disguise: Naughtula[]
A makeshift Vampiricorn costume, made with what seems to be a plastic trashbag to act as the saggy skin, fake teeth and two soccer balls taped on Naughty's head to mimic the victorian wig, comes with the vicious vampire claws.
The Vampiricorn[]
The vampiric entity that Stardust summoned on Perfection Island in an attempt to get right of Naughty and that backfired immediately! Comes equipped with the vicious vampire claws and hates Sunbeam the most.